Saturday, November 17, 2007

Back to Low Carbohydrates!

Using theCarbohydrate Addict's Lifespan Program, I will make it through the holidays at least maintaining my weight, if not losing more.

I have lost about 6 lbs. in two weeks, which is simply water plus one pound of fat gone from my body. I have a long way to go, but I feel good and look a little better.

At first I had low energy, but I had that before I started. Now I am rarin' to go.

The clock looked like meats to me, so I added it, I hope that is ok, Rob. It is set to Eastern Time.


J.N. said...

I love the new clock. I'm excited that you are having success with your new diet/ oops life style.
Are we going to quibble over words? I need something to kick-start my eating. Losing weight is a wonderful thing.
I seems to be on the gain.

Ellen McCormick Martens said...

egads no quibbling. Diet is fine ... I am being bad again now ... tune in later for details. Forty pounds in one weekend (not quite, but man, sugar is seductive!)