Thursday, April 12, 2007


We have a Whirly Pop popcorn popper, available for $25 plus shipping at I use 1/2 cup of gourmet popcorn and one teaspoon of sunflower oil. This popper requires turning the handle, but it makes wonderful popcorn in about 5 minutes. I have tried all the other kinds of poppers with the exception of the big theatre style ones.

The popcorn we use is gourmet popcorn from Fireworks Popcorn company in Wisconsin. They have all sorts of popcorn, some with large kernels and some with small, all with slightly different flavors and textures. My favorites are Autumn Blaze, High Mountain Midnight, and Black Hills. You can order the popcorn in assortments, or as shown here in large jugs. We order in jugs, but this whole thing began when my sister-in-law gave us an assortment. The site is


J.N. said...

how cool! the coop has gotten some Native American organic grown & produced popcorn with small kernels, I have yet to buy it. I like the looks of your popcorn and you've offered your favorites, nice.

Ellen McCormick Martens said...

Robyn, I sent you an assortment of this brand of popcorn ... I hope you will enjoy it ... just pop it like dad used to ... put three kernels in a pot with a lid, shake it over the heat until the three kernels pop. Then add the rest and pop WILDLY! I think one tsp oil + 1/2 cup of corn will work well in a biggest pot.